Meeting Changes
Please note the following meeting change:
Jan 20, 2025 Meeting time change:
Meeting starts at 6pm. Same location.
Special Message
Rush Township is actively involved in litigation related to the solar field project proposed by Woodstock Solar Project, LLC. The Rush Township Zoning Inspector has issued a stop work order as it is the position of Rush Township that the proposed solar field project fails comply with zoning standards set forth by Rush Township. These zoning standards have been established for the benefit of Rush Township and with the best interests our community in mind.
On November 15, 2024, Woodstock Solar Project, LLC offered a settlement proposal in an effort to get Rush Township Board of Trustees to dismiss all pending litigation. The settlement proposal offered a potential payout of $100,000 up to $300,000 to Rush Township in exchange for the dismissal of all pending litigation.
The Rush Township Board of Trustees met at an emergency meeting to discuss the potential settlement proposal. It is the position of the Rush Township Board of Trustees that the Woodstock Solar Project as currently contemplated is not in the best interests of Rush Township and is contrary to established zoning regulations. It is also the position of Rush Township Board of Trustees that the proposed settlement offered by the Woodstock Solar Project will not adequately offset the longterm ramifications that development of the solar field would have on Rush Township. THEREFORE, the Rush Township Board of Trustees has DECLINED the offer of settlement and the Township will continue to fight the development of the solar field.
No further statements will be made regarding this matter.
End of Press Release.